Conversion Copywriting: How It Works

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In the world of online marketing, we have a powerful tool: conversion copywriting. This isn’t just writing text; it’s about words that convince people and spur them into action. At Novonto, we see daily how well-written content generates leads and drives sales. But there is one element that takes the effectiveness of our copy to the next level: social proof. This is the proof that others value and use your product or service.

We’ll take a closer look at how social proof and conversion copywriting work together to reach and persuade your target audience. We look at the development of these techniques, how to apply social proof in your texts, and how to adapt it for different platforms. We’ll also discuss the ethical side of using social proof. Our goal? Helping you to write texts that not only inform, but actually spur action.

The evolution of conversion copywriting

We have experienced an interesting journey in the world of copywriting. From traditional methods to today’s data-driven approach, the changes have been tremendous. Let’s take a look at how conversion copywriting has evolved.

Traditional copywriting vs. conversion copywriting

Copywriting used to focus primarily on creating copy for marketing and advertising. The goal was to increase awareness of a brand, product or service. But with the advent of the Internet, a lot has changed. Now we focus more on getting people to take action. Whether it’s buying a product, making a donation, or visiting a Web page – we want our readers to do something.

A big difference between traditional and conversion copywriting is the focus. We see SEO copywriters writing primarily for Google, while conversion copywriters focus on people. We strongly believe it’s important to first get your brand’s voice, story and message right. Only then can you start thinking about keywords and meta tags.

Digital transformation

The digital world has changed everything. We now have many more channels to get our message across: websites, blogs, social media and e-mail newsletters. This means we have to think differently about how we write our texts.

An important concept we use is the ‘customer journey‘. This is the journey a customer takes from initial contact to final purchase. In the digital world, a text often does not stand alone, but is part of a larger whole.

Data-driven approach

One of the biggest changes in conversion copywriting is the shift to a data-driven approach. We no longer rely solely on our feelings, but use data to inform our decisions.

Data analysis allows us to see which words work best, which pages generate the most conversions, and how visitors behave on our website. This helps us improve our texts and increase conversion rates.

An example of how we use data is A/B testing. We create two versions of a text and see which one performs best. This is how we constantly learn and improve our copywriting skills.

At Novonto, we believe this data-driven approach is the future of conversion copywriting. It allows us to write better, more effective copy that truly connects with what our target audience wants and needs.

Social proof as a conversion accelerator

We know that social proof is a powerful tool for increasing conversions. It is a psychological phenomenon in which people use the behavior of others as guidelines for their own actions, especially in situations of uncertainty. In the context of online marketing, social proof helps increase the trust and credibility of a product, service or brand.

Building trust

We see that trust is an essential part of the conversion funnel. It is the journey visitors take from someone who happens to stop by to a paying customer. Although building a good reputation takes time, there are ways to speed up this process. One of the most effective methods is to use social proof.

Social proof comes in different forms:

  1. Customer reviews and ratings
  2. Testimonials from satisfied customers
  3. Recommendations from experts or influencers
  4. Statistics, such as the number of followers or likes on social media
  5. Awards and certifications

By using these elements strategically, we build trust with the target audience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Removing doubt

We understand that potential customers often hesitate until the last moment before they go on the call-to-action click. Our job is to remove that doubt. Social proof helps do this by showing that others have had positive experiences with the product or service.

Some effective forms of social proof to remove doubt are:

  • Showing the number of people who have already purchased the product
  • Case studies that delve deeper into the customer experience
  • User-generated content, such as photos or videos of satisfied customers

These elements reduce the perceived risk for potential customers. If others have had a positive experience, they assume they will too.

Provide social validation

Social proof provides social validation, which is a strong motivator for decision-making. We see that people often look to the behavior of others to determine what is correct or desirable. In the context of online marketing, this means that potential customers are more likely to make a purchase if they see others satisfied with the offer.

Effective ways to provide social validation are:

  • Sharing figures and numbers, such as the number of satisfied customers or products sold
  • Displaying reviews and ratings on the website
  • Using influencer marketing to add authenticity and credibility

At Novonto, we believe that strategically using these forms of social proof is a powerful way to increase conversion rates and build trust in our brand.

Techniques for integrating social proof

At Novonto, we know that incorporating social proof is a powerful way to gain potential customers’ trust and increase conversion. We delve into three effective techniques for incorporating social proof into your marketing strategy.

Storytelling with customer experiences

We have found that stories have a strong influence on people’s decision-making. By sharing customer experiences in the form of stories, we make an emotional connection with our audience. Here are some of the ways we use storytelling:

  1. We write case studies that delve deeper into our clients’ experiences.
  2. We share testimonials on our website and social media channels.
  3. We encourage customers to share their own stories, which adds authenticity to our message.

By sharing these stories, we show how our product or service solves real problems and adds value for our customers. This helps potential customers identify with these experiences and increases their trust in our offerings.

Visual display of statistics

We have found that visually presenting statistics and numbers is a powerful way to show social proof. Here are some effective methods we use:

  1. We display the number of satisfied customers or products sold on our website.
  2. We use trust badges and certificates to reinforce our credibility.
  3. We show the average review score with stars or a number.

These visual elements indicate quickly and clearly that others trust and value us. They help remove doubt from potential customers and can significantly increase conversion.

Influencer endorsements

Using influencers is an effective way to create social proof. We work with influencers who align with our brand values and target audience. Here are some of the ways we use influencer endorsements:

  1. We invite experts to guest blog or interview on our website.
  2. We let influencers test our products or services and share their experiences.
  3. We use quotes from famous people or experts in our marketing materials.

By partnering with respected influencers, we benefit from their credibility and reach. This helps position our brand as trustworthy and valuable in the eyes of our target audience.

When implementing these techniques, it is important to remain authentic and transparent. We ensure that all testimonials, statistics and endorsements are genuine and verifiable. This helps to maintain our clients’ trust over the long term and strengthen our credibility.

Optimizing social proof for different platforms

We know that using social proof effectively on different platforms is crucial to gaining potential customers’ trust and increasing conversions. Let’s take a look at how to optimize social proof for different platforms.


On our website, we have several options for displaying social proof:

  • Testimonials and reviews: We post testimonials from satisfied customers on our homepage and product pages. These testimonials preferably include a photo and the customer’s full name, and for business contacts also the company name.
  • Figures and statistics: We show meaningful numbers, such as the number of satisfied customers, downloads of our giveaway, or products sold. This gives visitors a clear picture of our popularity and effectiveness.
  • Customer logos: We show logos of important or relevant clients. These do not necessarily have to be big names, but clients that appeal to our target audience.
  • Average rating: We display our average review score in a visual way, such as with stars or a number.
  • Case studies: We use extensive case studies to delve deeper into the customer experience and put our product or service in a practical context.

Email Marketing

We also use social proof in our email campaigns:

  • We include customer reviews and testimonials in our emails. This helps build trust in our brand.
  • We show “live click totals” for specific email elements, such as a product or service. This shows how many people have already shown interest.
  • We integrate our social media feeds into emails to showcase our latest posts. This gives subscribers an omnichannel experience and increases the visibility of our social media channels.
  • We use social proof in different types of emails, such as welcome emails, milestone emails and lead nurturing emails.

Social media

Social media are excellent channels for leveraging social proof:

  • We encourage users to generate content, such as images, posts or videos in which they use our products or services.
  • We share photos of our projects, including before-and-after images. This is a powerful visual form of social proof.
  • We deploy influencer endorsements by partnering with influencers who fit our brand values and target audience.
  • We show the number of followers, comments and likes to demonstrate our popularity and engagement.
  • We actively respond to comments and reviews on our social media channels to show that we value our customers’ opinions.

By optimizing social proof for different platforms in this way, we create a consistent and compelling message that builds trust in our brand and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Ethical considerations when using social proof

We understand that social proof is a powerful tool to build trust and strengthen brand loyalty. But we also know that its use must come with appropriate ethical considerations. Let’s take a look at the key points to consider.


We strongly believe in the importance of transparency when using social proof. It is essential that we are honest about the source of our testimonials and reviews. When we collaborate with influencers or experts, we need to make it clear if there is a paid collaboration. Transparency helps build trust with our target audience.

We recommend using platforms with third-party reviews, such as Trustpilot or Yelp. These platforms are more reliable because companies cannot edit or delete the reviews. This makes each review completely authentic and therefore more credible to consumers.


When collecting and using customer data for social proof, we must always respect the privacy of our customers. We always ask permission before using personal information or photos in our marketing communications. It is important to clearly communicate how we will use our customers’ data and for what purpose.

We also ensure that we comply with all relevant privacy legislation, such as the AVG. This means that we handle personal data carefully and do not keep it longer than necessary.

Avoiding Manipulation

It is crucial that we use social proof ethically and avoid manipulation. We don’t want to mislead or pressure our audience. Here are some guidelines we follow:

  • We use only authentic testimonials and reviews. Fabricating positive reviews is not only unethical, but can be detrimental to our brand in the long run.
  • We avoid using low numbers in our social proof messages. For example, if we say that “40% of schoolchildren throw their trash in the trash can,” this can backfire and actually normalize the undesirable behavior.
  • We are cautious about using social proof with people who see themselves as experts. In these cases, social proof can be less effective or even counterproductive.
  • We don’t focus on undesirable behavior in our messages. By saying “no one responded to my email,” we inadvertently communicate that it is normal not to respond.

By taking these ethical considerations into account, we can use social proof responsibly. By doing so, we not only build trust with our target audience, but also contribute to a fairer and more transparent marketing practice.


Using social proof in conjunction with conversion copywriting has a major impact on persuading potential customers. By building trust, removing doubt and providing social validation, we can significantly increase the likelihood of conversions. It is important to apply these techniques in an ethical manner, respecting privacy and transparency, in order to build a long-term relationship with our target audience.

When deploying social proof, it is essential to consider the different platforms and the unique characteristics of each channel. By cleverly integrating social proof into our website, email marketing and social media, we create a consistent and compelling message that builds trust in our brand. If you need help with website creation or copywriting, contact our team at

Picture of Kaya
I have been active in the digital world since 2001, starting with creating websites, delving into mastering Linux servers by 2005, and embracing WordPress in 2007. Now, with more than two decades of experience, I am an experienced WordPress professional and Linux guru, ready to share insights from this transformative path.

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